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Basic / Rookie snake

First few things to do to improve a “random” snake, is to implement a feature/function to avoid walls and snakes’ bodies. There’s plenty ways to done this. Avoiding walls is by far the easiest to program. And don’t forget to avoid your own snake bodies.

Next thing is food, because avoid walls and snakes’ bodies will let you survive maximun 100 turns. You can program to target a food. There’s several possibilities : the nearest one, the safest one, etc.

At that point, you have a basic snake, but not competitive one yet. My snake “Nessegrev” is just that:

avoiding wall and snakes’ bodies

Targeting the nearest food

and it’s ranked around 100th in the global arena. I suggest to look several games, you will see that your snake can survive, but probably makes several mistakes.

You can keep track of your snake’s ranking on my BattleSnake Stat (username/password:tester)